
farm icon

One of the legal restrictions that our team will need to comply with is to ensure that the USDA deems the company’s products safe in accordance with the appropriate regulatory standards in the agricultural industry. Selling any type of good that involves ingesting a product will need to be examined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and pass all standards for approval.

Prior to the launch of LetUsConnect Farm, zoning requirements will also need to be addressed through the Township Planning Board. Because LetUsConnect Farm will employ individuals with disabilities, the greenhouse will be subject to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations. These regulations mandate wheelchair accessibility for commercial facilities and universal design. Also, LetUsConnect Farm will need to obtain a business license to conduct the commercial sale of goods through its hydroponic greenhouse.

The organization will also apply for a trademark with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office to protect its business name.